The Legend of the One Question

They say that, at the Beginning of Time, God was alone in the emptiness of space. Alone and solitary, without light, sound, joy or fear. Empty, even though he was full. He was the whole potential, but no reality, a list of possibilities yet to define. hey say he created the universe, and istory started, so far away from the Eve Cluster that it's almost inimaginable.
What the legend doesn't say is How he did it.
He did it with just one thing: a Question. The Question was the key to the future, the one who could create, the one who could shape, the only one that allowed preparing what was to come in advance. And he left it for us humans, as a gift and a curse. The wo paths of light and darkness, hidden in one Question.
If the Question was controlled with the mind, with the rationale, with perception, and placed in the future, it worked wonders even in the limited power of humanity. It was with it that people were able to build, to plan, to civilize themselves. Only her allowed us to stop being animals and made us what we are.
But it could also turn into a vile poison. If focused on the past, it turned into a burden that destroyed the morale of people and their will to live. It turned into a fount of pressure capable of sending the strongest willed into depression, and never allow them to come back.
And so, it became or biggest strength, and our worst flaw. And it was only two words: what if...?


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