Green and Black

I open my eyes and all is black. The only thing I can see is the green triangle with the letters RGC in its apexes: the symbol of the Re-Gen Corporation. My eyes still hurt a bit as they adjust to the lack of light, but I know what it means. It means I'm dead. Well, was dead. Now I'm alive again, I guess. That means I never died? And when was it, and how? I can't think too straight.

Slowly some light starts to fill the chamber, giving my new eyes some time to adapt. I feel strange all over, as if I had been beaten heavily, but I know my body is in perfect shape. Is it a memory, still not in its place? How did it all end? I do remember the alley, that's true, back in central Extropia. It should have been a safe place! But, what happened there? I can't focus straight, I'm probably still drugged a bit, or maybe this body has been on hold for too long.
Doctor Hassan enters, using the same body and morph as every doctor in every RG-C facility. Corporate policy, they call it, to make people feel like they know where they are and overcome the confusion. Well, it ain't helping me a thing!
-Are you feeling well Mr. Troit? Your medical data shows the body is working well...-
Troit. That's my name! I do recall a flat, yes, and my wife Ji, and my second wife Alice. A nice three-marriage, with one little Daniel to share between the three of us. But, how did I end up here? As light fills the room, the bed I'm on turns to show me my reflection on the mirror. What the hell!? That ain't me! That tall, slender man, with a couple day's beard is not like me! I'm smaller, with darker skin and a stronger chin, he looks... weak. I'm not weak!
-I apologize for the new morph, it was the only one we could dispose of in such a short notice. I'm sure we can reinsleve you as soon as one more to your liking is available, at the usual fee.-
So I'm going to have to be caged in this white-skinny-tall body for that long? I sure hope someone leaves a body I can use soon enough.
-What day and time is it?- I manage to ask, though I know there are more pressing concerns to ask. My voice comes out weak, and my mouth feels like a sponge that's been away from the water for too long.
-Two days after your... coming. 27th of August, ten years after the Fall. And it's about six in the afternoon. Your muse will be activated as soon as you leave the room, as is usual, and she'll fill you in with all the details.-
-How did I... how did I end up here? I can't remember.-
-It's in your clause, letter 27BO: "I don't want to recall the immediate time before my death, so I pay a small additional fee, according to parameter FO201, so psychosurgery is done to me in order to not remember such terrible event". I see it is your first time in your file. It's always hard.-
-But, what if something important happened during the part of time you've erased? How will I know if it was an accident, or someone is intently behind me? How will I- my voice was interrupted by his arabic accent.
-That's in the Police's hand, Mr. Troit. Don't worry. You have a full coverage police contract, so they are investigating the matter fully and probably will report to you any findings. Please, try to stand on your own feet.-
I take a step forward, still trying to digest everything, and almost fall to the floor. This body is strange, doesn't place the weights as I'm used to. It's taller, so the gravity center is less stable, and I have to open my legs to amplify my base and lean on the bed. It only lasts a few seconds, but it makes me feel deeply sick, as if the floor was moving beneath me. How can I say I am myself, if I can't even use my body as it should? If I can't recall some undefined time of my own life, is it my own life? Or am I just a copy of myself and the real me is dead? Is this the real me, being a copy, or am I even just a computer programmed version?
Dr. Hassan must have noticed something in me, or maybe everybody thinks the same questions, but he leaves into the next room and I follow the best I can, getting accustomed to this new alien body.
"Hey Eddie! It's been a while!" the cheerful voice of Erika fills my head as I cross the door and my muse is re-activated.
"Erika, it is good to hear you" I am so relieved to have her with me that some of the pressure just washes away. It is like returning home. I hadn't noticed how heavily the silence had weighed on me on the room before until now that the silence is broken. Dear, Erika, my true best friend.
-Well, if all is correct, Mr. Troit, could you please confirm in the digital paper that service rendered were as expected?-
A digital form was transferred to Erika, and she put it in front of my eyes. As if it were really there, but I don't have time to consider the reality or surreality of the mesh... more than enough is not knowing if I'm real. I sign without taking a second glance at the paper and Dr. Hassan nods.
-If you want an advice, Mr. Troit, don't give it too much thought. It's always tough the first time. Just go and live your life, meet your friends, and throw a party to introduce your new body. And in a couple nights, you will wake up and feel like everything is in place. It is just adjustment time, all of us have gone through it. It's usual, and nothing to worry about.-
Dr. Hassan's smile doesn't confort me as I leave and head back into Extropia, my own city. A few days... A few days not feeling I am myself? How am I supposed to stand that? My favorite song starts playing in my head, it always soothes me, and Erika knows it. And slowly, she turns me to the day's events and what I've missed in my sleep, making me forget of my thoughts or not allowing me time to think. Dear Erika, how well you know me!


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Tiempo de Anatemas 27: La senda de la tinta y la sombra